Stephen Bracciale of Tampa Cares About the Ocean

Stephen Bracciale was raised in the Boston area and grew up appreciating the benefits of the ocean, Stephen Bracciale who now resides in Tampa, Florida, hopes that people are aware of the tremendous amounts of damage they are causing to the wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico. Over the course of his time in Florida, Stephen Bracciale of Tampa has witnessed some truly horrible things, things that have made him sick to his stomach and caused him to truly wonder about the character some people have. Littering in the water, failing to clean up after themselves, and abusing Tampa’s ecosystem have truly affected Stephen Bracciale of Tampa, and it has helped him to reach out to his home state of Florida and become actively involved with water conservation and ocean protection. He donates a considerable amount every year to ensure that the ocean will be provided for and works constantly year round to promote an understanding of and care for wildlife, both in Florida and around the world.

Oceans are becoming polluted and slowly falling apart due to the inability of some to protect and care for them, something that simply is not acceptable in the modern world. As we find increasingly that our respective global footprints change and mark the terrain of our planet, so too must we now search for ways that we as individuals can be better and work to make the world a cleaner and safer place for generations to come. This involves not littering into the ocean and taking care of it, frequently by putting forward financial incentives where previously there might have been none. Some struggle with the importance of this, but others understand already that it is far too serious of an issue to take so lightly and have begun to take measures to care for the world around them. It is those people who will see the ultimate payoff when the environment is cleaner and more beautiful than it was at the start of their lives

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